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OMG Cloud Standards Summit
July 13-15, 2009, in Arlington, VA, the Object Management Group, is holding a Standards in Government & NGO’s Workshop. During the first day, the Cloud Computing Standards Summit will focus…
NDU IRM Cloud Computing Event “Sold Out”!!!
Hope you’ve already registered for the “The Cloud Computing Symposium” , Wednesday, July 15, 2009 at the National Defense University in Washington, DC! This promises to be the premier government…
SSA’s Jim Borland on Healthcare Information Technology
Today, on this week’s Federal News Radio Federal Executive Forum webcast, Mr. Jim Borland, Special Advisor for Health IT, Office of the Commissioner, Social Security Administration(SSA), will discuss the value…
Dr. Leslie Lenert of CDC Speaks on Healthcare IT
During this week’s Federal News Radio Federal Executive Forum pre-recording, Dr. Leslie Lenert, Director, National Center for Public Health Informatics (NCPHI) at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),…
Linda Fischetti on VHA Healthcare
This week pre-recording of Federal News Radio Federal Executive Forum featured Linda Fischetti , Health Informatics Architect at the Veterans Health Administration (VHA). During a panel discussion, her comments on…
Vish Sankaran, HHS, Speaks on Healthcare IT
During the pre-recording of this weeks Federal News Radio Federal Executive Forum, Vish Sankaran, Program Director of Federal Health Architecture, discussed the role of information technology in improving the country’s…
Iranian Protests Showcase Twitter, Facebook, YouTube (and Cloud Computing) !
In covering unfolding events in Iran, the world’s most powerful news outlets have been entirely dependent on the Twitter-provided flow of text, images, and video. While this has definitely showcased…
Two Days with AWS Federal
Today, I start two days of training with Amazon Web Services (AWS) Federal. If that’s the first time you’ve ever heard about an AWS Federal division, your not alone. Held…
Maneuver Warfare in IT: A Cheerleading Pundit
The Twitter conversation between Christofer Hoff and I went like this: Christofer – I haven’t formally blogged a resp. (yet) to @Kevin_Jackson on his ‘maneuver warfare in IT’ Not just a cultural shift but a…
Expanding Maneuver Warfare in IT
Earlier this week I published “Cloud Computing: The Dawn of Maneuver Warfare in IT Security” via Ulitzer. In publishing the article my intent was to explore the more dynamic approach…
Today I am proud and honored to announce that I will be participating in this year’s 3rd Annual World Congress of Cloud Computing 2014! Highlighting the theme of “Chinese Dream in Cloud” the event will be held in Dalian, China from June 19 to 21, 2014.
CloudCon-2014 aims to strengthen the technical and business ties in cloud computing area, to bringtogether experts and industry leaders to share technological advancements and business
experiences, and to jointly explore opportunities in emerging technologies. This congress provides an ideal platform for industrial practitioners and academia to keep up to date with current technology trends, interact with industry experts and network with peers. CloudCon-2014 is presenting an ambitious and unique program based around major themes “Chinese Dream In Cloud”, and will feature an exciting line-up of keynote speakers and intense breakout sessions, where lively and interactive debates will take place among the delegates. The newly launched sectors are Parallel Thematic Forums, Frontier Technological Program, and IT/ICT Business Matchmaking and Career Fairs.
Representing the Network Centric Operations Industry Consortium, I will be presenting “Cloud Service Brokerage for International Disaster Response” on Saturday, June 21, 2014 at 2:00pm.
Recent high-profile events (2010 Haitian Earthquake, 2011 Tōhoku Earthquake and Tsunami, 2013 Typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda) have highlighted the importance played by the international community in humanitarian assistance and disaster response. These events have also showcased the critical importance of quickly providing robust information technology resources to response effort participants. In June 2010, in support its continuing effort to foster international collaboration, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) initiated a dialog with the Network Centric Operations Industry Consortium (NCOIC) to discuss this and other aspects of geospatial data information-sharing across the international community. In response to this request the NCOIC through the use of a cloud services brokerage paradigm, built and demonstrated a federated cloud computing infrastructure capable of managing the electronic exchange of geospatial data. The effort also led to the development of the more generalized NCOIC Rapid Response Capability Pattern (NRRC), a process which could improve the effectiveness and reduce the cost of emergency situations that require an international joint civilian/military response. This presentation will cover the organizational, technical and operational aspects of building and deploying a federated cloud computing platform. It will also present lessons learned and recommendations for the use of this approach in international humanitarian assistance and disaster response scenarios.
Many thanks to the Organizing Committee of CloudCon-2014 for giving me the opportunity to participate in this prestigious event. I would also like to give thanks the hosting organizations which include:
- Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China;
- Ministry of Industry and Information Technologyof the People’s Republic of China;
- Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China;
- Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China;
- China Council for the Promotion of International Trade;
- Liaoning Provincial People’s Government; and
- China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Dalian Sub-Council.
( Thank you. If you enjoyed this article, get free updates by email or RSS – © Copyright Kevin L. Jackson 2012)
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