A group of doctors looking at a computer screen.

5G Wireless Technology Connecting Healthcare

Healthcare is in the middle of massive change. Called digital transformation by many, this term describes the industry’s pursuit of ...
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A woman wearing a red jacket and necklace.

Maria Lensing: The Network Platform for Healthcare’s Future

As a girl, Maria and her family traveled to Memphis, Tennessee to get cancer treatment for her sick brother. The ...
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An image of a network of dots and lines.

How “Big Iron” Does “Big Regulation”

According to Verizon, there were over there were over 53,000 security incidents in 2017, with over 2,200 of those identified ...
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Two different signs that are side by side.

Mainframe Synergies for Digital Transformation

In July  of 2018, Broadcom announced its intentions to acquire CA Technologies. In the press release, Hock Tan, President and ...
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