Great Leaders Are Ambidextrous, Are You?

By: Melvin Greer Managing Director, Greer Institute  There are many important characteristics of great leaders. Team players, good listeners and ...
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Cloud, Mobile, Social and Cyber: 2015 Predictions That Will Rock The World (AGAIN!)

2015 PREDICTION TIME!!The worlds of cloud, mobile, social and cyber will continue expanding, permuting and recombining. Their individual effect on ...
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Federal Tech Talk: Cloud Transition Challenges in Government and Industry

Cloud Computing is revolutionizing today's business marketplace. While "learning the art of the possible", corporate executives today are struggling with the ...
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How Resilient are FedRAMP Clouds Anyway?

By Jodi KohutFor the uninitiated, FedRAMP is the Federal Risk Authorizationand Management Program, a government-wide program that provides a standardized ...
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