Embrace Transformation

OMG Cloud Standards Summit

By G C Network | July 2, 2009

July 13-15, 2009, in Arlington, VA, the Object Management Group, is holding a Standards in Government & NGO’s Workshop. During the first day, the Cloud Computing Standards Summit will focus…

NDU IRM Cloud Computing Event “Sold Out”!!!

By G C Network | July 2, 2009

Hope you’ve already registered for the “The Cloud Computing Symposium” , Wednesday, July 15, 2009 at the National Defense University in Washington, DC! This promises to be the premier government…

SSA’s Jim Borland on Healthcare Information Technology

By G C Network | June 25, 2009

Today, on this week’s Federal News Radio Federal Executive Forum webcast, Mr. Jim Borland, Special Advisor for Health IT, Office of the Commissioner, Social Security Administration(SSA), will discuss the value…

Dr. Leslie Lenert of CDC Speaks on Healthcare IT

By G C Network | June 24, 2009

During this week’s Federal News Radio Federal Executive Forum pre-recording, Dr. Leslie Lenert, Director, National Center for Public Health Informatics (NCPHI) at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),…

Linda Fischetti on VHA Healthcare

By G C Network | June 23, 2009

This week pre-recording of Federal News Radio Federal Executive Forum featured Linda Fischetti , Health Informatics Architect at the Veterans Health Administration (VHA). During a panel discussion, her comments on…

Vish Sankaran, HHS, Speaks on Healthcare IT

By G C Network | June 22, 2009

During the pre-recording of this weeks Federal News Radio Federal Executive Forum, Vish Sankaran, Program Director of Federal Health Architecture, discussed the role of information technology in improving the country’s…

Iranian Protests Showcase Twitter, Facebook, YouTube (and Cloud Computing) !

By G C Network | June 21, 2009

In covering unfolding events in Iran, the world’s most powerful news outlets have been entirely dependent on the Twitter-provided flow of text, images, and video. While this has definitely showcased…

Two Days with AWS Federal

By G C Network | June 18, 2009

Today, I start two days of training with Amazon Web Services (AWS) Federal. If that’s the first time you’ve ever heard about an AWS Federal division, your not alone. Held…

Maneuver Warfare in IT: A Cheerleading Pundit

By G C Network | June 15, 2009

The Twitter conversation between Christofer Hoff and I went like this: Christofer – I haven’t formally blogged a resp. (yet) to @Kevin_Jackson on his ‘maneuver warfare in IT’ Not just a cultural shift but a…

Expanding Maneuver Warfare in IT

By G C Network | June 12, 2009

Earlier this week I published “Cloud Computing: The Dawn of Maneuver Warfare in IT Security” via Ulitzer. In publishing the article my intent was to explore the more dynamic approach…

A close up of the trees in the sky

From a business perspective, differentiating business processes and quality customer service are central to overall success.

Business leaders must therefore clearly identify and measure how information technology contributes to the value of every key business process.

They must also know how to most cost effectively use IT when the task is merely the management of commodity operations.

Just focusing on infrastructure improvements may result in cost rationalization, but it can also obscure the impact and value of applications and business processes to the end customer.

Quality of service is always an essential ingredient in evaluating the business effectiveness—the elements of which are infrastructure, resources, activities, and services that span the entire business lifecycle.

Business leaders must embrace digital transformation because the right blend of cloud, managed services, and traditional privately run data centers will deliver the following:    

  • an ability to leverage economies of scale across the service ecosystem created by using multiple cloud service providers;     
  • an understanding of business value that expands the traditional financial values of the total cost of ownership (TCO) and return on investment (ROI) by including  customer value, seller provider value, broker value, market brand value, corporate value, and the technical value of any investment;    
  • a wider view of technology’s impact on a business through the acceptance of a business as a portfolio of business processes that demand the use of portfolio management techniques;
  • an understanding of why business processes and their associated IT investments should be classified as differentiating based on IT, differentiating not based on IT, or not differentiating at all.

When viewed from this lens, digital transformation delivers business and mission value by doing these:

  • accelerating speed to market,     
  • strengthening competitive positioning,     
  • boosting revenue growth,     
  • raising employee productivity, and     
  • expanding the ability to acquire, engage, and retain customers. 

Success, however, requires these:

  • envisioning transformation as an economic and business process improvement revolution, not a technical one;      
  • relying on metric-driven goals and plans which are explicitly driven by the organization’s goals;     
  • ensuring organizational goals are compatible with cloud business enablers; and    
  • ensuring enablers support the overall business strategy and align with the available economic options for consuming cloud services.

Interested in reading more about digital transformation and the tools required for success? Pre-order my book, Click to Transform, coming this Saturday!

Article generated by AI in cooperation with Leaders Press based on “Click to Transform”

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