Embrace Transformation

Cloud Computing Wargames !!

By G C Network | January 22, 2009

Wikipedia  “A wargame is a game that represents a military operation.” “Military simulations, also known informally as war games, are simulations in which theories of warfare can be tested and refined…

President Barack Obama. A New Day for Cloud Computing !!

By G C Network | January 20, 2009

Yesterday, President Barack Obama’s transition team released a new video touting the benefits of cloud computing and government transparency. “Cloud computing, which allows consumers and institutions to access their files…

How the Government Tweets – An Update

By G C Network | January 19, 2009

Thanks goes out to Twitter_Tips for a link to Government agencies on Twitter: a few comprehensive sites posted by lindyjb which includes the following: The Government’s A-Twitter: A Comprehensive List…

How the Government Tweets

By G C Network | January 16, 2009

Last September in “Ambient Awareness. The cloud killer app? ” and ” The Cloud Wins in Minneapolis at the RNC! “, I wrote about how the cloud infrastructure and microblogging…

Bob Gourley on Cloud Computing and NetCentric Operations

By G C Network | January 15, 2009

Bob Gourley, Crucial Point CTO and former DIA CTO, just posted  Cloud Computing and Net Centric Operations on his website CTOvision . In it he outlines how the OSD and ASD NII…

Obama Administration CTO Top Suggestions

By G C Network | January 14, 2009

Check out the top vote getters for suggestions to the nations’s first CTO! #5 with 5,835 votes Open Government Data (APIs, XML, RSS) We can unleash a wave of civic…

2009 Cloud Computing Events

By G C Network | January 13, 2009

2009 is off to a fast start with the following events on the horizon! February 2009 – “Bi-Annual On-line Government Cloud Computing Survey”, On-line February 3, 2009 – Open Group…

World Summit of Cloud Computing Virtual Site

By G C Network | January 12, 2009

The Israeli Association of Grid Technologies (IGT) has made its recent IGT 2008 World Summit of Cloud Computing available on-line. Speakers include: Day 1: Stevie Clifton, Co-Founder & CTO Animoto…

1105 Government Information Group does Cloud Computing

By G C Network | January 9, 2009

Mark your calendars for April 29, 2009 ! 1105 Government Information Group has announced that there will be a Cloud Computing Conference at the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington, DC.…

Sun Acquires Q-Layer

By G C Network | January 8, 2009

Yesterday, Sun Microsystems announced their acquisition of Q-layer. This Belgium based company automates the deployment and management of both public and private clouds. In the press release, David Douglas, SUN’s…

A close up of the trees in the sky

From a business perspective, differentiating business processes and quality customer service are central to overall success.

Business leaders must therefore clearly identify and measure how information technology contributes to the value of every key business process.

They must also know how to most cost effectively use IT when the task is merely the management of commodity operations.

Just focusing on infrastructure improvements may result in cost rationalization, but it can also obscure the impact and value of applications and business processes to the end customer.

Quality of service is always an essential ingredient in evaluating the business effectiveness—the elements of which are infrastructure, resources, activities, and services that span the entire business lifecycle.

Business leaders must embrace digital transformation because the right blend of cloud, managed services, and traditional privately run data centers will deliver the following:    

  • an ability to leverage economies of scale across the service ecosystem created by using multiple cloud service providers;     
  • an understanding of business value that expands the traditional financial values of the total cost of ownership (TCO) and return on investment (ROI) by including  customer value, seller provider value, broker value, market brand value, corporate value, and the technical value of any investment;    
  • a wider view of technology’s impact on a business through the acceptance of a business as a portfolio of business processes that demand the use of portfolio management techniques;
  • an understanding of why business processes and their associated IT investments should be classified as differentiating based on IT, differentiating not based on IT, or not differentiating at all.

When viewed from this lens, digital transformation delivers business and mission value by doing these:

  • accelerating speed to market,     
  • strengthening competitive positioning,     
  • boosting revenue growth,     
  • raising employee productivity, and     
  • expanding the ability to acquire, engage, and retain customers. 

Success, however, requires these:

  • envisioning transformation as an economic and business process improvement revolution, not a technical one;      
  • relying on metric-driven goals and plans which are explicitly driven by the organization’s goals;     
  • ensuring organizational goals are compatible with cloud business enablers; and    
  • ensuring enablers support the overall business strategy and align with the available economic options for consuming cloud services.

Interested in reading more about digital transformation and the tools required for success? Pre-order my book, Click to Transform, coming this Saturday!

Article generated by AI in cooperation with Leaders Press based on “Click to Transform”

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