So much to blog ….Entry for April 19, 2008

By G C Network | May 18, 2008

When I started this yesterday, I had a list of about five things I wanted to say on this blog. I then decided on a strategy to list topics as…

Hello World ! – May 18, 2008

By G C Network | May 18, 2008

I’ve been toying with the idea of doing a blog for about six months now. Initially I didn’t see how any of my contributions to the blogosphere would matter to…

In an interesting take on his Enterprise Architecture blog, Chris Pearson sees the HP acquisition of EDS as a ploy by HP to remain relevant in a cloud computing world.

“The next step is cloud computing. With outsourcing offering, the market was more or less limited to big companies able to manage global contracts when streamlining their IT operations. With cloud computing concept, computing power is seen like energy. It may be provided everywhere like a commodity. Small and medium enterprise would afford then to be connected. To be able to compete on this market is the real motivation of the acquisition which may result in a consolidated revenue of $38 billion in services behind IBM with its $54 billion.”

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G C Network