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OMG Cloud Standards Summit
July 13-15, 2009, in Arlington, VA, the Object Management Group, is holding a Standards in Government & NGO’s Workshop. During the first day, the Cloud Computing Standards Summit will focus…
NDU IRM Cloud Computing Event “Sold Out”!!!
Hope you’ve already registered for the “The Cloud Computing Symposium” , Wednesday, July 15, 2009 at the National Defense University in Washington, DC! This promises to be the premier government…
SSA’s Jim Borland on Healthcare Information Technology
Today, on this week’s Federal News Radio Federal Executive Forum webcast, Mr. Jim Borland, Special Advisor for Health IT, Office of the Commissioner, Social Security Administration(SSA), will discuss the value…
Dr. Leslie Lenert of CDC Speaks on Healthcare IT
During this week’s Federal News Radio Federal Executive Forum pre-recording, Dr. Leslie Lenert, Director, National Center for Public Health Informatics (NCPHI) at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),…
Linda Fischetti on VHA Healthcare
This week pre-recording of Federal News Radio Federal Executive Forum featured Linda Fischetti , Health Informatics Architect at the Veterans Health Administration (VHA). During a panel discussion, her comments on…
Vish Sankaran, HHS, Speaks on Healthcare IT
During the pre-recording of this weeks Federal News Radio Federal Executive Forum, Vish Sankaran, Program Director of Federal Health Architecture, discussed the role of information technology in improving the country’s…
Iranian Protests Showcase Twitter, Facebook, YouTube (and Cloud Computing) !
In covering unfolding events in Iran, the world’s most powerful news outlets have been entirely dependent on the Twitter-provided flow of text, images, and video. While this has definitely showcased…
Two Days with AWS Federal
Today, I start two days of training with Amazon Web Services (AWS) Federal. If that’s the first time you’ve ever heard about an AWS Federal division, your not alone. Held…
Maneuver Warfare in IT: A Cheerleading Pundit
The Twitter conversation between Christofer Hoff and I went like this: Christofer – I haven’t formally blogged a resp. (yet) to @Kevin_Jackson on his ‘maneuver warfare in IT’ Not just a cultural shift but a…
Expanding Maneuver Warfare in IT
Earlier this week I published “Cloud Computing: The Dawn of Maneuver Warfare in IT Security” via Ulitzer. In publishing the article my intent was to explore the more dynamic approach…

Over the years I have personally admired Ms. Singer for her GovCloud leadership. This admiration comes from having the pleasure to work directly with her on “the QUAD” and the subsequent Intelligence Community Common Operating Environment (IC COE). Her ability to understand and communicate the complexities and value of cloud computing have been crucial to the Intelligence Communities adoption of this exciting operational and economic model.
Ms. Singer said upon receiving the award,“I am deeply honored to be recognized by CloudNOW with this leadership award. Having been in the IT field for many years, I believe the cloud computing chapter in the industry is an exciting one and I am proud to be a part of it.”
The other CloudNOW Top Women in Cloud Awardees were::
•Padmasree Warrior, CTO, Cisco
•Lauren States, CTO of Cloud Computing, IBM
•Vanessa Alvarez, Analyst, Infrastructure and Operations, Forrester Research
•Jamie Dos Santos, President of Terremark, a Verizon company
•Becky Swain, Founder of the Cloud Security Alliance
•Lori MacVittie, Senior Technical Analyst, F5 Networks
•Ellen Rubin, Founder of CloudSwitch, Terremark, a Verizon company
•Dawn Leaf, Senior Executive for Cloud Computing, NIST
•Jamie Erbes, Cloud Labs Director, HP Fellow, HP
( Thank you. If you enjoyed this article, get free updates by email or RSS – KLJ )
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