Most Influential Cloud Bloggers for 2009

So much to blog ….Entry for April 19, 2008

By G C Network | May 18, 2008

When I started this yesterday, I had a list of about five things I wanted to say on this blog. I then decided on a strategy to list topics as…

Hello World ! – May 18, 2008

By G C Network | May 18, 2008

I’ve been toying with the idea of doing a blog for about six months now. Initially I didn’t see how any of my contributions to the blogosphere would matter to…

Thank you Ulitzer and SYS-CON Media for naming me to your list of the most influential cloud computing bloggers for 2009. My hearty congratulations go out to the other bloggers that also made the list.
Cloud computing definitely made its mark in 2009. The government space on which I focus has clearly made this a top priority. I look forward to continuing my education and advocacy role in 2010.
Happy New Year !!
Cloud Musings

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