NCOIC and Cloud Computing: An Update

Is Cloud Computing applicable in national security and law enforcement?

By G C Network | July 2, 2008

Late last week I asked the following question on linkedIn “Are Cloud Computing concepts applicable in secure national security and law enforcement arenas (i.e. Defense, Homeland Security, Intelligence, Justice)? If…

The size of Google’s Cloud

By G C Network | July 1, 2008

From The Information Factories by George Gilder of Wired Magazine “The facility in The Dalles is only the latest and most advanced of about two dozen Google data centers, which…

Yahoo (Finally!) Jumps Big Into Cloud Computing

By G C Network | June 30, 2008

According to The Register , the Yahoo! technology organization led by CTO Ari Balogh will now work on “developing a world-class cloud computing and storage infrastructure; rewiring Yahoo! onto common…

InformationWeek Cloud Computing Newsletter

By G C Network | June 27, 2008

InformationWeek has started a Cloud Computing Newsletter. They will be providing news and insights on this “critical IT trend”. Cloud computing ranges from the software-as-a-service market to Web-based storage services…

Is Cloud Computing just a fad?

By G C Network | June 26, 2008

Last week I attended an IBM SOA event in Northern Virginia. While there, I was discussiing the merits of cloud computing with some interested attendees. Their key question was if…

Joint Warfighting Conference 08

By G C Network | June 25, 2008

Last week I attended the Joint Warfighting Conference 08 (JWC 08) in Virginia Beach, Va. There were approximately 5000 attendees representing military, industry, academia, and government, registered for this year’s…

IBM Opens Africa’s First “Cloud Computing” Center

By G C Network | June 24, 2008

…… Second Cloud Center in China “IBM (NYSE: IBM) today announced the opening of new “cloud computing” centers in South Africa and China. Cloud computing enables the delivery of personal…

Dataline launches SOA-R: Cloud Computing for National Security Applications

By G C Network | June 23, 2008

Last week, Dataline (my company), in collaboration with IBM, Google, Northrop Grumman, Cisco and Great-Circle Technologies, launched an initiative aimed at integrating an end-to-end solution for secure cloud computing. Called…

Cloud Computing Value

By G C Network | June 20, 2008

In The real value of Cloud Computing, ENKI hits on why cloud computing is disruptive. It’s the services stupid !! By separating enterprises from their servers and offering universal, secured,…

How Cloud Computing Works

By G C Network | June 19, 2008

Jonathan Strickland provides an excellent overview of cloud computing on the how stuff works website. Follow me at

As the NCOIC gets it’s arms around this new paradigm, the Cloud Computing Working Group has focused on establishing a roadmap for providing value to the industry. Using the established NCOIC Interoperability Framework, Network Centric Analysis Tool and Building Blocks, the working group’s way forward will be to:
  • Embrace collaboration with Federal Projects and stakeholders in order to aid their effort to leverage cloud computing across the Federal Government
  • Embrace collaboration with Vendors & standard bodies
  • Work with these organizations on pragmatic cloud projects, as and when appropriate
  • Use Capability and Operational patterns to validate operational impact of cloud interoperability
  • Identify key net-centric operations interoperability requirements and preferences within identified technical patterns
  • Iterate with NCOIC stakeholder companies and government organizations
  • Leverage analysis to drive cloud interoperability recommendations and best practices

In developing net-centric patterns for cloud computing, the working group will tackle four specific questions:

  • Which interoperability capabilities are supported by cloud computing?
    –E.g. Search, Intelligent Inference, Semantic Metadata Representation, Elastic Compute/Storage/Network infrastructure
  • Which interoperability challenges are mitigated by cloud computing?
    –E.g. Security, SLA management, Declarative Policies, Resource Monitoring & Usage
  • Which cloud computing structural elements require interoperability guidance?
    –E.g., organizations, policies, physical assets, different cloud postures
  • What operational & technical standards are relevant to interoperability problems in relevant operational scenarios?

The full presentation on this topic was given by Krishna Sankar during the recent SATCCI Spring 2009 Workshop for Federal Cloud Computing Stakeholders and is available online.

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G C Network