NJVC Announces Winner of Cloudcuity AppDeployer Contest Pilot at George Mason University

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CHANTILLY, Va., Feb. 25, 2013—NJVC, an information technology solutions provider headquartered in northern Virginia, is pleased to announce the winner of the George Mason University (GMU) Student PaaS Developer Contest. For the contest, students used the Cloudcuity AppDeployer platform as a service (PaaS) to develop business software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications in the cloud. The winning team entry, “Nimbus Solution Scheduler,” is a workforce scheduling application.
The Nimbus Solution Scheduler team members—James Hays (team leader),  Christopher Le, Anthony Nester and Ed Rubins—each received a monetary award and certificate for their innovative application. The students were honored at a special ceremony on February 22 during National Engineering Week at the Volgeneau School of Engineering Nguyen Engineering Building, Fairfax, Va. Donald Gantz, Ph.D., chair of the GMU Applied Information Technology Department attended the ceremony.
The GMU contest is serving as a pilot for a regional contest for university students to design SaaS applications for a scholarship award and additional rewards. This contest will launch during the first quarter of 2013.

NJVC offered the Cloudcuity AppDeployer PaaS, along with associated training, to students enrolled in the Applied Information Technology Department’s Introductory Cloud Computing course at GMU’s Prince William campus, led by Adjunct Professor F. Brett Berlin. AppDeployer provided students with online tools for building and deploying software applications for sale on the Amazon EC2 cloud computing infrastructure. Using AppDeployer’s wizard tool, students developed SaaS applications that can be provisioned on demand by end users. The AppDeployer software development kit also is available to students who wish to build advanced applications that integrate with other Web services—for instance, maps, big data or language translation. The goal of the contest is for students to receive hands-on experience in all three major cloud service models as defined by the National Institute of Standards and Technology: infrastructure as a service, PaaS and SaaS.

“NJVC is confident about the ease of use of Cloudcuity AppDeployer,” said Cary Landis, NJVC senior architect, Cloudcuity AppDeployer. “NJVC sponsored the pilot contest at GMU, and will sponsor a national contest in early 2013, to show how easy and efficient it is for any developer—from novice to expert—to create and publish real business applications for sale using AppDeployer.”


About NJVC

With a focus on information technology automation, NJVC specializes in supporting highly secure, complex IT enterprises in business- and mission-critical environments, particularly for the intelligence and defense communities. We offer a wide breadth of IT and strategic solutions to our customers, ranging from strategic consulting to managed flexible services in five business areas: Cloud Services, Cyber Security, Data Center Services, IT Services and Print Solutions. We partner with our customers to support their missions with security-cleared, dedicated and talented employees ready to deploy globally. To learn more, visit www.njvc.com.


Michelle Snyder, NJVC, 703.893.7609, michelle.snyder@njvc.com
Audra Capas, 5StarPR, 703.437.9301, audra@5starpr.com

( Thank you. If you enjoyed this article, get free updates by email or RSS – © Copyright Kevin L. Jackson 2012)

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