
Why the Cloud? Processing, Exploitation and Dissemination

By G C Network | October 23, 2008

So why is the intelligence community so interested in cloud computing? Three letters: PED (Processing, Exploitation, Dissemination). Take these two real life examples from the publishing industry. Jim Staten of…

World Summit of Cloud Computing: “Enterprise Cloud Computing” work group

By G C Network | October 22, 2008

To leverage attendees of the World Summit of Cloud Computing, a kick-off meeting of the “Enterprise Cloud Computing” work group will be held near Tel Aviv, Israel on December 3,…

Cloud Package Management

By G C Network | October 21, 2008

In his post “Missing in the Cloud: package management“, Dave Rosenberg highlights a critical issue in the adoption of cloud computing by government agencies. “I dare say that a standard…

By G C Network | October 20, 2008

Information Week has just launched as their cloud computing destination. In his Non Linear Thinking blog, Bill Martin calls it a movement aimed at “providing a source and forum…

Is the cloud computing hype bad?

By G C Network | October 17, 2008

From Gartner “Why a little cloud hype might be useful“: “It’s too simplistic to say cloud hype is bad . If we are technically expert is might irritate us with…

Stop the FUD (Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt) !!

By G C Network | October 16, 2008

Dan Morrill! Count me in !! In his excellent article, “Cloud Computing is Scary – But the FUD Has to Stop“,  Dan makes some excellent points: It is time to…

IBM, Microsoft and Google

By G C Network | October 15, 2008

On October 6th, IBM launched their cloud services initiative. This is a:  “[C]ompany-wide initiative that extends its traditional software delivery model toward a mix of on-premise and cloud computing applications…

Government in the Cloud

By G C Network | October 13, 2008

Back in mid-September, there was quite a thread in the Google Cloud Computing Group on the use of cloud computing by the federal government.  Some of the interesting comments were:…

CloudCamp Partners With SOA-R !!

By G C Network | October 10, 2008

I’m proud to announce that the final SOA-R Cloud Computing Education Event will be held in collaboration with CloudCamp. Now dubbed CloudCamp:Federal, the event will be held as an “unconference” to help…

Federal Cloud Computing Wiki

By G C Network | October 9, 2008

With the fast growing interest in cloud computing, the Federal Government community has established a Federal Cloud Computing Wiki. This wiki is managed by Dr. Brand Niemann, Senior Enterprise Architect…

240 million results are returned in 1.06 seconds (as of May 28, 2018) when you search for cloud computing in a Google search. With that much information available, and that many conversations active around the globe;
  • Do we really know what cloud is?
  • Are we confident in knowing what cloud can do?
  • Can we explain why the cloud is changing everything?

If 10 people were asked what cloud computing is and why it is important, we would get at least 12 different answers.

  • Where is the disconnect?

We know leaders want it. CFOs support it. Strategists recommend it. Technical teams request it. Users demand it. Isn’t cloud easy? Cloud is often associated with acceleration, cost control, added flexibility, increased agility, lower complexity, and rapid innovation. It takes an incredible amount of work and planning to be simple. CIOs are stating that cloud skills are a top hiring priority in 2018.

  • What do we need to stay relevant?
  • How do we keep up with an industry that is changing every day?

Cloud computing is changing strategies and enabling innovation at every turn. Cloud is changing IT economics. Cloud is blurring the lines and breaking down traditional silos. Cloud is blending roles and redefining boundaries. Regardless of which industry we are in, or the position we hold, cloud computing is changing everything; how we work, how we play, and how we communicate.

Cloud computing is a Transformation, not a Migration.

Migration seems easy because it can be described as a series of things that get done. Migrations seem tangible: from this to that, from here to there. Transformations, interestingly, are mental and emotional. Transformations require a change in mindset. Transformations require constant data that can be continuously compared to expose insights and establish perceived value.  Migrations are planned and executed. Transformations are adopted. Without adoption, transformation fails. Adoption requires a change in mindset, often created from a continuous digestion of highly valued relevant data and insight. This means continuously sensing the environment and continuously changing your actions to better align with goals, which are also changing continuously. We, the authors, call this being:



Businesses and people tasked with adapting and driving change must become sensomorphic. Today, many are flooded with data, yet remain uninformed. Many know they are in the wrong place, yet struggle to know where they are. The only sustainable path for positive transformation is to become sensomorphic. In the world of cloud computing, this means being sensomorphic across many domains, simultaneously. The sensomorphic domains are:
Cloud adoption is a core component of digital transformation. Organizations must align modern technology and current economic models to business strategy. Transformation requires a new approach that balances cost and technology choices with company direction and client consumption models.
Architecting Cloud ComputingSolutions presents and explains many critical Cloud solution design considerations and technology decisions required to successfully consume the right cloud service and deployment models based on strategic, economic, and technology requirements. This book starts with the fundamentals of cloud computing and its architectural concepts. It then navigates through cloud service models (IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS), deployment models (public, private, community, and hybrid), and implementation options (Enterprise, MSP, and CSP). Each section exposes and discusses key considerations and challenges that organizations face during cloud migration. In later chapters, this book dives into how to leverage DevOps, Cloud-Native, and Serverless architectures in your Cloud environment. Discussions include industry best practices for scaling your cloud environment as well as details for managing essential cloud technology service components such as data storage, security controls, and disaster recovery. By the end of this book, you will be well versed in all the design considerations and operational trades needed to adopt cloud services no matter which cloud service provider you choose.
About the authors:
Kevin L. Jacksonis a globally recognized cloud computing expert, technology thought leader, and CEO/founder of GovCloud Network, LLC. Mr. Jackson’s commercial experience includes being Vice President J.P. Morgan Chase and Worldwide Sales Executive at IBM. He has deployed mission applications to the US Intelligence Community cloud computing environment (IC ITE), and he has authored and published several cloud computing courses and books. He is a Certified Information System Security Professional (CISSP) and Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP).
Scott Goesslingis the COO/CTO for Burstorm, and he helped create the world’s first automated Cloud Solution Design platform. He has lived and worked in the Philippines, Japan, India, Mexico, France, and the US. Being an expert in many technologies, Scott also has been a part of several successful start-ups, including a network hardware innovator that was acquired for over $8B. Scott’s perspectives combine many real-world experiences.

( This content is being syndicated through multiple channels. The opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not represent the views of GovCloud Network, GovCloud Network Partners or any other corporation or organization.)

Cloud Musings

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