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Yahoo-Microsoft Merger Proxy Fight – May 14, 2008
As I alluded to last week, “It’s not over ’till it’s over” Carl Ichan Looking to Start Yahoo Proxy Fight Money – The Microsoft-Yahoo Merger may not be over. Billionaire…
Now in the ring Sun/Amazon! – May 04, 2008
The Sun/Amazon cloud may be announced soon. Sun CEO Jonathan Schwartz delivered a short keynote at Startup Camp in San Francisco, an adjunct event to the JavaOne Conference. According to…
Microsoft gives up on Yahoo? – May 04, 2008
“Cloud computing is far more than a concept. With Broadband Internet connections now all-but-ubiquitous and microcomputers and locally-run software now so trouble-prone, Cloud Computing’s time has come.” This is a…
IBM, Google and the Blue Business Platform – May 01, 2008
Today was good !! This morning. there was a main session built around “CIO 2.0”. The basic premise was that CIOs have now earned a seat at the business management…
The coming cloud – April 30, 2008
I attended the IBM Public Sector briefing this morning. The IBM executives were clearly basking in a financial performance glow. After ending 2007 with increases in revenue, profit and earnings…
Google, Cloud Computing, and the US Intelligence Community – April 29, 2008
Just arrived in Los Angeles for the IBM Business Partner Leadership Conference. IBM is billing this as a “new” conference, but I have my doubts. I am, however, very interested…
Location Based Services – April 25, 2008 is a exclusive community for executives in wireless industry. As a member, I have the opportunity to participate in a number of interesting discussions about mobile and wireless technology.…
IBM Business Partner Leadership Conference – April 23, 2008
I just completed registration for the IBM Business Partner Leadership Conference. This is a new invitation-only conference being held this year in Los Angeles from Wednesday, April 30th through Friday,…
Telephone & Web = WOW !! – April 21, 2008
The power of the Internet and the web lies in its ability to provide access to information. The mobile web takes this one step further with its ability to provide…
Hybrid IT enables a composable infrastructure which describes a framework whose physical compute, storage, and network fabric resources are treated as services.
Resources are logically pooled so that administrators need to physically configure hardware to support a specific software application, which describes the function of a composable architecture.
This type of transformative infrastructure is foundational to contemporary agile business because a hybrid IT environment, private clouds, public clouds, community clouds, traditional data centers, and services from service providers must be integrated and interconnected.
Composable infrastructures can build new revenue-generating products and services faster while simultaneously addressing the key inhibitors to change, which include the following:
- General concerns regarding lack of adequate hybrid infrastructure security
- The false impression that cloud cannot support the operational/performance requirements of critical applications (e.g., SAP and Oracle)
- Management challenge presented by multi-cloud environments contracts that will include varying levels of governance and service-level agreements (SLAs)
- The need to match employee management skills across various cloud platforms
Composable infrastructure architectures have two major functions. They must be able to disaggregate
and aggregate resources into pools and compose consumable resources through a unified API.
Fifth-generation (5G) wireless networks will significantly enhance the current mobile network environment. These new networks will use multi-access edge computing (MEC) to extend composable enterprise infrastructures to the network edge, a capability broadly referred to as edge computing.
To support this future IT-operating environment, enterprise content and application developers need to collaborate with telecommunications network operators to gain access to edge services.
Using this architecture, “Internet of Things†(IoT) applications can respond in real time to local events and use cloud capabilities for all other data processing functions.
Edge computing application design development model has three locations:
- Client
- Near server
- Far server
An end-to-end IT service designed to operate in an IoT environment follows this model also but with different reference names or components:
- Terminal device component
- Edge component(s)
- Remote component(s)
The IoT architecture emphasizes the distribution of components. In this environment, network services (i.e., routers, firewalls, load balancers, XML processing, and WAN optimization devices) are replaced with software running on virtual machines.
To ensure secure operations, key cybersecurity tasks include the following:
- Securing the controller as the centralized decision point for access to the Software Defined Network (SDN)
- Protecting the controller against malware or attack
- Establish trust by protecting the communications throughout the network by ensuring the SDN controller, related applications, and managed devices are all trusted entities
- Creation of a robust policy framework that establishes a system of checks and balances across all SDN controllers
- Conducting forensics and remediation when an incident happens in order to determine the cause and prevent reoccurrence
Network Function Virtualization (NFV) establishes a virtualized networking environment dedicated to providing different network services. If NFV is used, the SDN can also act as a hypervisor for NFV virtual machines.
Approaches for implementing cybersecurity protections include the following:
- Embed security within the virtualized network devices
- Embed security into the SDN servers, storage, and other computing devices
The Zero Trust security model is centered on the belief that organizations should not trust anything inside or outside their perimeters. This model requires verification of anything and everything trying to connect to its systems before access is granted. The Zero Trust approach uses existing technologies and governance processes in securing the enterprise IT environment.
When designing and deploying transformational solutions across enterprise, cloud, 5G networks, MEC environment, and the Zero Trust paradigm must be extended to include all associated SDNs.
Read more about digital transformation and transformation infrastructure: grab a copy of my new book, Click to Transform, out today!

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