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Yahoo-Microsoft Merger Proxy Fight – May 14, 2008
As I alluded to last week, “It’s not over ’till it’s over” Carl Ichan Looking to Start Yahoo Proxy Fight Money – The Microsoft-Yahoo Merger may not be over. Billionaire…
Now in the ring Sun/Amazon! – May 04, 2008
The Sun/Amazon cloud may be announced soon. Sun CEO Jonathan Schwartz delivered a short keynote at Startup Camp in San Francisco, an adjunct event to the JavaOne Conference. According to…
Microsoft gives up on Yahoo? – May 04, 2008
“Cloud computing is far more than a concept. With Broadband Internet connections now all-but-ubiquitous and microcomputers and locally-run software now so trouble-prone, Cloud Computing’s time has come.” This is a…
IBM, Google and the Blue Business Platform – May 01, 2008
Today was good !! This morning. there was a main session built around “CIO 2.0”. The basic premise was that CIOs have now earned a seat at the business management…
The coming cloud – April 30, 2008
I attended the IBM Public Sector briefing this morning. The IBM executives were clearly basking in a financial performance glow. After ending 2007 with increases in revenue, profit and earnings…
Google, Cloud Computing, and the US Intelligence Community – April 29, 2008
Just arrived in Los Angeles for the IBM Business Partner Leadership Conference. IBM is billing this as a “new” conference, but I have my doubts. I am, however, very interested…
Location Based Services – April 25, 2008 is a exclusive community for executives in wireless industry. As a member, I have the opportunity to participate in a number of interesting discussions about mobile and wireless technology.…
IBM Business Partner Leadership Conference – April 23, 2008
I just completed registration for the IBM Business Partner Leadership Conference. This is a new invitation-only conference being held this year in Los Angeles from Wednesday, April 30th through Friday,…
Telephone & Web = WOW !! – April 21, 2008
The power of the Internet and the web lies in its ability to provide access to information. The mobile web takes this one step further with its ability to provide…
The adoption of cloud computing is revolutionizing today’s business. This trend has also elevated the importance of IT and business alignment because cloud enables new business models that have until now were not economically viable. A recent study confirmed this trend by showing that the vast majority of organizations of all sizes use both Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) and hosted infrastructure services. In fact, both SaaS and IaaS are currently being used most by organizations with less than 100 employees. Some additional markers of this trend include:
- 45% of businesses say they already, or plan to, run their company from the cloud;
- SaaS adoption of companies participating in the survey grew from 13% in 2011 to 74% in 2014;
- 56% of businesses are using Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) technologies; and
- 41% of businesses are using Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) technologies
Learning Tree is dedicated to supporting you, our customers, in your move to adopt cloud computing. A component of this effort will be a series of cloud computing related YouTube videos of which I am proud and honored to be a part. Please give me the opportunity to introduce myself virtually below.
I currently teach under the Learning Tree Cloud Computing Curriculum. A mandatory part of keeping my certification as a Learning Tree instructor is being active within my industry expertise. Within the cloud computing domain, my experience includes:
- NCOIC/NGA Geospatial Community Cloud – Project Manager for design, development and deployment of a solution that showed interoperability and movement of data in an open, cloud-based infrastructure.
- NATO IT Modernization Study – A study team supporting the NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCIA) in developing cost effective options for modernizing NATO’s information technology infrastructure towards a multi-national private cloud
- QUAD Common Operating Environment – Project manager for a prototype for the Intelligence Community – Information Technology Environment, a community cloud being deployed for the US Intelligence Community
- GovCloud Network – CEO and Founder of a consultancy focused on helping it clients enhance their business models in order to better leverage the global and parallel nature of cloud computing
Over the next few months, the video series will address topics like:
- What is Cloud Computing?
- What are the Business and Technical Values of Cloud?
- How do we secure our data in the cloud?
- How can my company address the challenges of cloud transition
- What are the lesson’s learned when it comes to IT governance in the cloud?
- What is Hybrid IT and how should we use Cloud Service Brokers?
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if there are any other topics you would like for us to address!
Kevin L. Jackson
[email protected]
(This content is being syndicated through multiple channels. The opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not represent the views of GovCloud Network, GovCloud Network Partners or any other corporation or organization.)

( Thank you. If you enjoyed this article, get free updates by email or RSS – © Copyright Kevin L. Jackson 2012)
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