Yahoo-Microsoft Merger Proxy Fight – May 14, 2008

So much to blog ….Entry for April 19, 2008

By G C Network | May 18, 2008

When I started this yesterday, I had a list of about five things I wanted to say on this blog. I then decided on a strategy to list topics as…

Hello World ! – May 18, 2008

By G C Network | May 18, 2008

I’ve been toying with the idea of doing a blog for about six months now. Initially I didn’t see how any of my contributions to the blogosphere would matter to…

As I alluded to last week, “It’s not over ’till it’s over”

Carl Ichan Looking to Start Yahoo Proxy Fight

Money – The Microsoft-Yahoo Merger may not be over. Billionaire investor Carl C. Icahn is considering the prospect of starting a proxy fight to gain several seats on Yahoo’s board in hopes of restarting negotiations with Microsoft.
I can only imagine that Mr. Ichan is looking at cloud computing as fertile ground.

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G C Network